MoSRT District 1 is pleased to announce the upcoming spring conference! I am thrilled to announce a new location, KU! Yes, our long-standing supporters will be hosting the next conference June 1, 2019.
This is at the KU Medical School in Kansas City, KS NOT the Main Hospital.
KU Med - Health Education Building (HEB) School in Kansas City, Kansas
2146 W 39th Ave, Kansas City, KS 66103
Ad Astra Room # 5502, 5th floor
Be sure to mark your calendar NOW to attend this conference on Saturday, June 1, 2019 and bring your fellow technologists. Look for updated information soon.
All conference information will be available on the official MoSRT website at
For questions, please email:
Diane Hutton, District 1 President/Treasurer:
Dustin Ward, District 1 VP/Secretary:
MJ Lewis Thompson, District 1 Rep: